Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Might as well get comfortable.

Like my hat?? It's cereal box couture.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Meliah has grown so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Now, aren't we looking more and more like mom, Chrissie! Very nice blog lady.

Anonymous said...

How adorable!!!! She's changed alot since we were there!
Okay, now what is with the name...a shout out to that famous restaurant from long, long ago???
Love you,

Arnold Family said...

Very nice.

You are part of the "IN" group now!

We'll just have to get together next week and BLOG together!



Heather NZ said...

You have a blog. You are now an accepted member of society. LOL.
Love, Heather H.

Arnold Family said...

Do not begin a blog and then stop posting! With your first child you are definitely expected to post a picture or two EVERY day. My goodness, what else do you have to do every day besides tending the chickens and gathering eggs?
There you go! Fodder for another post.

goff family said...

Wonder if there is still a "sprout house"? Actually sounds good now.

Anonymous said...

You have commited the cardinal sin of blogging....starting, posting a couple pictures, and then leaving us wanting MORE. Come on!!! Even if it is a generic picture, it needs to be posted...generic is good! ;-)